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Sunday - August 11, 2024

10:00 am

Camp Arbutus Hayo-Went-Ha

This is our most attended meeting of the year! You just need to bring your own table service and a dish to pass, the board will provide scrambled eggs, French toast, pancakes, coffee and juice. Please consider coming to the potluck and meeting your neighbors; it really is fun to get to know everyone and their history on the lake, and learn their history in the making.


We will have a brief meeting while you eat. One order of business is for the membership to approve a much needed update to our bylaws. We have posted a DRAFT copy of the changes HERE.  Your comments are welcome, and they will be addressed and voted on at the August Pot Luck Meeting 


We look forward to seeing you there!


All meeting times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST) and held at East Bay Township Hall unless otherwise noted.

April 27, 2024 

May 18, 2024

9:00am EBT

9:00am EBT

June 15, 2024

10:00am EBT

General Membership Meeting

July 20, 2024

9:00am EBT

Annual Member Potluck Breakfast

August 11, 2024


YMCA Camp Hayo-Went-Ha

9:00am EBT

Sept 21, 2024


Newsletters are produced three times per year (spring, summer, and fall) and are delivered via email to our members. We maintain a small list of members with no email address but will ask new members without email to look for the most current newsletters on our website. 


Coming soon!

Fall 2024


Membership Dues Increase
And A Match!

Like all of us, the ALA has encountered increased costs, especially over these past few years. The annual dues have been $50 for members, and it has been more than 20 years since the last price increase. At the General Membership meeting in June, the membership voted to increase dues to $75 beginning in the new fiscal year, which starts September 1st.


It was also announced at the meeting that a generous (and anonymous) member of the association has agreed to match any additional donations for the 2025 fiscal year! They have set aside a total $2500 and will match any donation above-and-beyond the $75 annual dues made by members. So, if you choose to send in a check for $100 ($75 dues, plus $25 donation) our generous donor will match the $25 donation. I hope you will consider taking advantage of this offer!


Remember, dues and donations to the ALA are tax deductible.  As always, you can send your dues check to our official mailing address:


                  Arbutus Lake Association

                  PO Box 404

                  Mayfield, MI 49666


Or feel free to bring your 2025 dues check to the August breakfast meeting. 

The Bear Necessities

Spring has sprung on Arbutus Lake and the bears are definitely awake and looking for food. They are adorable! but still wild animals and can be unpredictable. If you have one visiting your home, the DNR advises the best thing to do for both the bear and yourself is to bang the pots and scare if off. Bears that become reliant on people for food or lose their fear of people end up as "nuisance bears". The DNR does try to relocate them but they typically come right back and then need to be put down as a precaution. So please take your bird feeders in, don't leave your waste cans out overnight, don't leave pet food outdoors, and keep those pots handy so you can make a lot of noise and Smokey will gently move on. 


Arbutus Lake Association

PO Box 404

Mayfield MI 49666

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    McCullick & Associates Marketing and Design

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